Unleash Barcode Scanning Adoption with Scandit Insights
Discover the surprising results of our user research into scanning UX.

Exploring How To Change the Way Data Capture is Done Today
Jeff Roster, Expert Advisor Retail at Third Eye Advisory met Scandit CTO Christian Floerkemeier to discuss smart data capture and exactly how it enables people to make better, real-time decisions.

How River Island’s Device Strategy Got Smarter
Exclusive fireside chat with River Island’s CIO and Director of Tech Ops discussing how they modernized their store operations and improved employee and customer experience.

Lightning Learnings: ID Scanning
Learn how to select and roll out a successful ID scanning solution from our product experts.

A Deep Dive into Real-time Shelf Analytics for Pricing and Promotion Accuracy
Hear from Jessica Grisolia and Thibault Priquel as we take a look at the inner workings of ShelfView and explain how it enables real-time shelf analytics.

Crack Last Mile Delivery Challenges in Asia
Hear from leaders on the current state of Last Mile Delivery in Asia and globally.

Futurum Research Tech Webcast
Futurum Research Principal Analyst Daniel Newman met Scandit CTO Christian Floerkemeier to discuss what smart data capture offers businesses, workers and consumers.

The Future Of Physical Retail
Hear from Scandit’s Jessica Grisolia and guest speaker Brendan Witcher from Forrester to understand how retailers can use their stores to create differentiated experiences that will win, serve and retain customers.

How Technology is Transforming Pick Up and Drop Off
Learn how smart data capture enables fast and reliable label scanning and automates PUDO processes with augmented reality and batch scanning.