Maxima - Maxima Estonia Creates Innovative Customer Experiences with Self-Scanning
An already-existing mobile app was quickly transformed with Scandit Smart Data Capture to deliver a first-class customer experience in all of Maxima’s physical stores.

Step Over Supply Chain Holdups
In this infographic, we explore how Scandit’s can help smooth out the various stages of the supply chain journey, from distribution to returns.

Developer Tutorial: Add SparkScan to an Android App

Developer Tutorial: Add SparkScan to an iOS App

Level Up Your Retail Game

Introducing the Hidden World of Fake IDs
Dive into the alarming rise of fake IDs with 32% of college students admitting to possession, and how popular platforms are unintentionally aiding their spread.

AI Take-Off: 17 Airline Innovations Boosting Experience and Reducing Costs
Here is how AI-related technology like machine learning, automation and smart data capture is helping airlines to drive innovation and reduce costs.

Vytal - Vytal Cuts Waste With Reusables and Unlocks Inventory Insights With Smart Data Capture
More than 6000 Vytal partners can boost sustainability, save costs and remain compliant through Scandit-powered smartphones.