Self-Scanning Value
How much revenue are you missing out on?
Our handy Self-Scanning Calculator is designed to help you see how much additional revenue you could make if you roll out mobile self-scanning in your stores.
Just add in a few details about your retail business into the tool and press submit to reveal your results instantly, which will include:
- Number of customers that can be moved to mobile self-scanning per day
- Additional customers you can serve per day
- Additional revenue you can make per month
The rise of mobile self-scanning
Self checkout. Mobile self-scanning. Contactless shopping. It has many names but whatever you call it, one thing is true: its use is growing. It is estimated that 46,000 stores across the world currently provide it, and that figure is forecast to treble in the next 5 years.
It is easy to understand why. Consumers can shop contactlessly, quickly and easily and track their spend as they go. Retailers can free up staff from the checkout and allow them to focus on other tasks like shelf management and customer service.
Scandit research of over 100 retailers also pointed to larger average basket sizes for self-scanning customers with 36% observing this.
If you aren’t currently providing it, you could be missing a trick.